My name is Sahara and I'm a yellow Labrador retriever. I am currently in training to become a family pet assisted therapy dog. I love the classes so much that I smile and wag my tail through the whole class! There are so many other friendly people and dogs in the class training to help others. The classes are held through the DJ Professional Pet Assisted Therapy program. Once I finish my training, I will be ready to do my internship along with two of the four humans that make up my immediate family. I will let everyone know what type of internship I will be doing and how I am doing during my internship.
I hear my family talk about things that are going on with Pet Assisted Therapy and about how animals can achieve and do amazing things. I also hear them talking about sad things like when people don't treat their pets or other animals very nicely. I listen carefully when they talk and have a lot I want to contribute to the conversations. I want to share my views with others, so I asked my family to help me create this blog. My view of the world!
In addition to what I've already mentioned, I love being petted; snuggling with my family; going for rides in the car; playing fetch; eating discarded crusts on pizza night; going for long walks; and chasing chipmunks from the vegetable garden. I love running around and playing with my dog friends, best of all with Amaretto, my big adopted dog brother. I also love snuggling with my little adopted hamster brother, Gizmo, and NO I don't chase or try to eat him. My very favorite thing, like all dogs, is to give my love unconditionally.
Life is good when you are a dog who is loved as much as I am loved.